Schumacher Lab Publications

p53 in the DNA-Damage-Repair Process.

Willams AB, Schumacher B
p53 in the DNA-Damage-Repair Process.
Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med. 2016 Apr 5. pii: a026070. doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a026070. [Epub ahead of print]

Genome Instability: Linking Aging and Brain Degeneration.

Barzilai A, Schumacher B, Shiloh, Y
Genome Instability: Linking Aging and Brain Degeneration.
Mech Ageing Dev. 2016 Mar 31. pii: S0047-6374(16)30039-2. doi: 10.1016/j.mad.2016.03.011. [Epub ahead of print]

A C. elegans homolog for the UV-hypersensitivity syndrome disease gene UVSSA.

Babu V, Schumacher B
A C. elegans homolog for the UV-hypersensitivity syndrome disease gene UVSSA.
DNA Repair (Amst). 2016 Mar 25;41:8-15. doi: 10.1016/j.dnarep.2016.03.008. [Epub ahead of print]

Altered lipid metabolism in the aging kidney identified by three layered omic analysis.

Braun F, Rinschen MM, Bartels V, Frommolt P, Habermann B, Hoeijmakers JH, Schumacher B, Dollé ME, Müller RU, Benzing T, Schermer B, Kurschat CE.
Altered lipid metabolism in the aging kidney identified by three layered omic analysis.
Aging (Albany NY). 2016 Feb 16.

Systemic DNA damage responses in aging and diseases.

Ribezzo F, Shiloh Y, Schumacher B.
Systemic DNA damage responses in aging and diseases.
Semin Cancer Biol. 2016 Jan 7. pii: S1044-579X(15)30005-5. doi: 10.1016/j.semcancer.2015.12.005

Identification of ageing-associated naturally occurring peptides in human urine.

Nkuipou-Kenfack E, Bhat A, Klein J, Jankowski V, Mullen W, Vlahou A, Dakna M, Koeck T1 Schanstra JP, Zürbig P, Rudolph KL, Schumacher B, Pich A, Mischak H.
Identification of ageing-associated naturally occurring peptides in human urine.
Oncotarget 29 Sep 2015; doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.5896

Das Geheimnis des menschlichen Alterns

Björn Schumacher
Das Geheimnis des menschlichen Alterns
Die überraschenden Erkenntnisse der noch jungen Alternsforschung
ISBN: 978-3-89667-524-8

Genome Instability in Development and Aging: Insights from Nucleotide Excision Repair in Humans, Mice, and Worms

Edifizi D, Schumacher B
Genome Instability in Development and Aging: Insights from Nucleotide Excision Repair in Humans, Mice, and Worms
Biomolecules 2015, 5, 1855-1869; doi:10.3390/biom5031855

DNA repair mechanisms in cancer development and therapy.

Torgovnick A, Schumacher B.
DNA repair mechanisms in cancer development and therapy.
Front Genet. 2015 Apr 23;6:157. doi: 10.3389/fgene.2015.00157. eCollection 2015.

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